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    Voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that works with the active ingredient, Diclofenac, which inhibits the production of Prostaglandin. It can be ingested orally, applies to the skin, or even injected into the body depending on the purpose it's been used for. It is generally used to reduce pain and treat other inflammatory conditions since it's an anti-inflammatory drug. Voltaren gained prominence in the '80s, became a generic medication for Americans, and ranked among the topmost prescribed drugs in the United States at number 72.

    Uses and Benefits of Voltaren

    Voltaren generally is used to curb pain, and swelling in the affected area of the body and its effect can last for about 8 hours or more. It can be used by people suffering from the following conditions:

    • Arthritis
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Dental pain
    • Joint pains and stiffness
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Polymyositis
    • Dermatomyositis
    • Menstrual pain
    • Kidney stones
    • Gallstones
    • Acute migraines

    How to Use Voltaren

    You can ingest the Voltaren tablet just like you do with any other tablet. You can ingest it orally with a glass of water. However, you should swallow it as a whole. Do not crush or chew it because that can destroy its special covering, and lead to side effects you didn't anticipate. Take after eating or before eating, but not during eating unless recommended by a doctor due to stomach upset. Most Voltaren products for arthritis and inflammatory problems come in the form of creams and lotions that are meant for topical applications. In this case, you can simply rub and use them to massage the affected areas of your body.

    Precautions and Things to Avoid

    • As a rule of thumb, always check the pack for dosage and prescriptions before taking any drug.
    • Whenever you are unsure of any dosage, take less of it or consult your doctor.
    • Never increase your dosage because you feel the pain is too intense.
    • Pregnant women in their third trimester should avoid this drug or consult a doctor first before taking it.
    • The drug can make you allergic to the rays of the sun, so limit exposure to sunlight during the period.
    • Quit the consumption of alcohol and smoking during the period as well.
    • It can make you drowsy, so you might want to avoid driving after intake.

    Possible Side Effects of Using Voltaren

    As it is with most medications, side effects are part of the scheme of things due to how the body reacts differently to them. Below are some of the side effects that will indicate you should stop usage instantly after noticing them.

    • Stomach upset
    • Stomach bleeding
    • Dizziness
    • Headache
    • Nausea
    • Heartburn
    • Diarrhea
    • Constipation
    • Abdominal pain